We celebrated our 30th anniversary on May 18th - almost with a new awning, but there was a part that was missing for installation. One more week exploring Tampa and MacDill AFB, and finally the installation was completed on May 25. Some highlights of our extended stay included:
We found an abcess on Bosun's hind quarters and made a vet appointment near Pam's parent's home for Friday afternoon. We left MacDill AFB early Thursday morning, May 26, and headed towards coastal Alabama. It was an eventful day of driving.
We hit bunches of traffic (most of it going the other direction) due to an accident on I-10. Four cars involved, 1 caught fire. We found out the next day there were 3 fatalities. Highway was shut down for hours, but not in our direction.
Torrential rain on the panhandle of Florida. We took turns driving which was helpful. Slow and steady. Pam is gaining confidence.
We saw 3 sets of trucks towing a truck towing a truck.
We ran over a large aluminum ladder that had fallen out of a pickup truck on the highway (fortunately no damage to us thanks to our 10 ton vehicle, but we can't say the same for the ladder!)
Shortly after the ladder fiasco we caught a 10 foot piece of plastic that was on the highway and wrapped around our front axel (again, no damage, but what a pain in the you-know-what)
The skies cleared and we decided to do the 500 mile trip in one day. We would arrive around dinnertime.
We had a great welcome by Pam's parents (see video here)
Staying at their house - RV tucks nicely into their driveway.
Bosun was able to be seen at the vet early Friday morning - on antibiotics for his hind quarters which was more superficial than we thought, so that's good. The Vet was concerned about Cushing's Disease so Bosun had a diagnostic workup done - results next week. He seems to be feeling better.
Behind Pam's parent's house is a very small pond with very big fish. Trip caught a bluegill with his fly rod. Pam caught a big large mouth bass - biggest fresh water fish she has caught! We didn't have a camera but she created a picture of a similar fish that she saw online. See below. You can't unsee it.